Colore e Colorimetria. Contributi Multidisciplinari. Vol. XIX B
Colore e Misura/Strumentazione, Colore e Restauro, Colore e Ambiente, Colore e Design, Colore e Cultura, Colore e Educazione, Colore e Comunicazione/Marketing, Colore e digitale, Colore e illuminazione, Colore e fisiologia, Colore e psicologia, Colore e produzione, Colore per Fotografia e FilmSynopsis
The Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore is a scientific and cultural non-profit organization with a multidisciplinary approach. It aims to promote the science and culture of Color and Light, to spread scientific, technological, cultural and applicative knowledge about the cited disciplines, and to support matters of common interest between members in national and international contexts. In 2020, the Association added another instrument of cultural dissemination in the form of a diamond open-access book series, The Research Culture And Science Book series (RCASB), which is freely available to everyone.
The focus and scope of the series are multidisciplinary, as RCASB publishes scientific books on specific fields. The book series aims to encourage scientists, scholars, researchers and professionals to publish their experimental results and theoretical work comprehensively, thus providing a forum for the exchange and sharing of scientific knowledge.
This volume contains the proceedings of the XIX Color Conference (CdC2024), Italian language papers.
The Conference aims to promote the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary aggregation of all the realities dealing with colour and light from a scientific, educational and professional point of view.